
Conversations allows you better connect with any organization. Discuss projects, tenders, contracts and collaboration in modern messaging built for conversations between organizations.

Easily add participants

Invite your colleagues and contacts from other organizations to your

All conversations in one place

View and join conversations by your organization in a simple-to-use messaging dashboard

Privacy when required

Choose between organizational conversations (joinable by colleagues) and private conversations (yours only)


When to use it

Explore how our communication tools can help you bridge the gap between you and your collaboration partners

Engage with suppliers

Converse with potential and existing suppliers as part of your RFI process or to request any information, such as custom price offers, clarification on products and services or meeting invitations

Market research

Ask suppliers for opinions and offers to planned tender requirements. This allows you to prepare final tender requirements better and inform suppliers of the planned tendering procedure.


Consult suppliers before setting detailed project requirements. This RFI is well suited for evaluating different solutions in the pre-tender phase and having discussions with many suppliers.