Tender Intelligence

Uncover Market Insights

Unlock valuable market intelligence with Sorsera's advanced Tender Intelligence capabilities.

Tender Intelligence

Uncover Market Insights

Unlock valuable market intelligence with Sorsera's advanced Tender Intelligence capabilities.

Tender Intelligence

Uncover Market Insights

Unlock valuable market intelligence with Sorsera's advanced Tender Intelligence capabilities.

Gain a Competitive
Edge in the Market

Improve your tender intelligence and analyze suppliers, competitors and buyers across industries and countries.

Gain a Competitive
Edge in the Market

Improve your tender intelligence and analyze suppliers, competitors and buyers across industries and countries.

Gain a Competitive
Edge in the Market

Improve your tender intelligence and analyze suppliers, competitors and buyers across industries and countries.

Understand your market

High precision,
low noise

Unparalleled intelligence on the tender market

Supplier intelligence

Analyze the performance of companies in different market segments

Buyer intelligence

Find out the buying patterns of the largest clients in your industry

Contract prices

Research historical price levels in contracts to guide your pricing strategy

Improve your tender strategy with complete insight into industry players

Empower your team with unparalleled data on the tender world

Improve your tender strategy with complete insight into industry players

Empower your team with unparalleled data on the tender world

Use cases

Tender intelligence for any need

Find suppliers and partners

Easily find and interact with new collaboration partners in any market. Find out more about your existing collaborators.

Discover new clients

Drive your business development efforts by finding the key customers in any segment

Learn about your competition

Understand where your competitors are strong and weak to win at a strategic level

Try Sorsera for free

Sorsera connects buyers, suppliers, and collaborators in the RFP process, offering advanced tools and market intelligence for a successful tendering experience.

  • Customer analysis

  • Competitor research

  • Tender data

  • Supplier discovery

  • Industry analysis

  • Market research

  • Task management

Try Sorsera for free

Sorsera connects buyers, suppliers, and collaborators in the RFP process, offering advanced tools and market intelligence for a successful tendering experience.

  • Customer analysis

  • Competitor research

  • Tender data

  • Supplier discovery

  • Industry analysis

  • Market research

  • Task management

Try Sorsera for free

Sorsera connects buyers, suppliers, and collaborators in the RFP process, offering advanced tools and market intelligence for a successful tendering experience.

  • Customer analysis

  • Competitor research

  • Tender data

  • Supplier discovery

  • Industry analysis

  • Market research

  • Task management